Thursday, December 11, 2008

Exercise 4 :)

The last output
the last thing I'm doing is go to layer stel and click on blend interior effects as group and I reduce the opacity to make the work nicer
after this I choose the bursh and I strat painting the image
now I click on the triangle tool then drag it from the angle of the image to other angle in this case there be layer and channel after create mask that I will fill up by holding ctrl then delete fill up the
*after this i go bevel and emboss the then select texture then i slect the the texture that I save as pattern
*after I save the style that I create then I aplle this style on all objects the image

open the channel then there will there the RGB so I'm going to choose the blue then copy it as new layer in the channel then go to edit define it as pattern
1.dropping shadow and edit it
2.inner shadow inner glow
after selecting the channel i click on layer style then gradient overlay
1. change the color
2.change the angle so the color will start from the point you and with another color
3.change the distance
4.change the size

I select the by holding ctrl clicking the on the channel

The original image before editing

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You have to reduce the image file size because it takes some downloading time to view the image.